Welcome To Our Blog!
Hey! Happy to see you in our blog.
Certainly you'd like to learn a little more about our products. To do this, we launched our brand blog.
Here you can find a lot of new and helpful facts about cannabis industry. Our articles will be published 1-2 times a week. In addition to interesting facts, our blog will contain historical information about each variety, various medical studies, as well as news from the world of marijuana. Our team stands for the fact that products in our online shopping platform bring you only pleasure, without any harm to your health. We value every customer and the most important thing for us is to give you not only a feeling of satisfaction , but also a lot of useful information and of course a pinch of love in every ounce.
In the 21st century everything changes too fast and a lot of new things instantly replace the old. Our blog will help you always be on vibe and learn about everything cool from the first and reliable source. Now you don't have to get bored reading uninteresting and unnecessary news by subscription. Follow your interests and wishes. Our blog is our brainchild, which we love very much and will make every effort to make it like you too. We try to invest 100% of ourselves and our soul in our service and products, so we hope that you will be delighted with us and find something useful for yourself. And we will always help you with this. 1-8oz.com is a large family, in which each client will find something different and will feel at home.
We are always open to interesting suggestions, so you can write your ideas to us via email and we will necessarily consider them. We will also answer all your questions about our service and blog.