5 Best Strains To Update Your Playlist
5 best strains to update your playlist
Each of us at least once faced the difficulties of finding new music. Marijuana products can easily make this search easier and make it more enjoyable. Sounds will fill your body with euphoria, cause happiness and a sense of relaxation at the moment of immersion in various playlists.
You probably liked this idea and we will help you with it. We want to tell you about 5 strains of weed that will open your way to the world of new music.
Gary Payton
Gary Payton is a very aromatic and delicious weed. It is famous for its powerful effect, suitable for those who want to smoke a lot and often without the desire to lie down and just sleep. Because of this, smoking weed is also a great activity when looking for new sounds.
Gary Payton is a hybrid of the Y and Snowman strain. Its sweet and at the same time funky terpene profile creates a hypnotizing smoke. As a result, you get a new invigorating high. This theme is suitable for those who want to improve their mood for the day.
Animal Cookies
Animal Cookies is also an interesting weed that has been crossed with a huge number of strains. It’s relaxing properties allow you to disconnect yourself from external problems in a second and immerse yourself in the world of high while watching various music venues in search of new music
Animal Cookies came from the parents of Fire OG and GSC. This strain is distinguished from others by its special taste of cherry cookies. It gives people a sense of happiness, relaxation and peace.
Rainbow Chip
Rainbow Chip isn’t just a good smoke, it's also a damn tempting taste. Its beauty is that it is unique because of the combination of carbonated and fruit flavor. High, and only! With it, all the problems in this life will fade into the background, and you will forget about everything, even that you were looking for new music. That's the thrill waiting for you.
Rainbow Chip is a hybrid of Sunset Sherbet and Mint Chocolate Chip. It focuses on the effects of happiness and euphoria. Also, unlike others, it gives you a sense of focus.
Cheetah Piss
Cheetah Piss. I call it "the feeling of first falling in love." With the help of it, in a few moments you can feel happy, stupid and invincible, as if you are ready to take over the whole world and nothing will distract you from this path. This high is not comparable to any other. With it, you literally fall in love with life and you are carried away by everything that surrounds you. With him, any covid is considered a stupid joke. A couple of minutes and you are already purposefully selecting the music that you will hear when it ends.
Cheetah Piss is a cocktail of Lemonade, Gelato # 42 and London Poundcake 97, but the secret of its real origin is known unfortunately to a few. Its attractive taste consists of sweetness and a citrus aroma that distinguishes it from other strains.
Apple Fritter
Apple Fritter is a combination of anti-stress and fun in one joint. If your playlist needs to be refreshed and updated more than ever, then this is the right choice. This strain will give you a better mood, relieve any stress in life and give you a feeling of complete pleasure, buzz and optimism.
Apple Fritter combines the taste of sour with the opposite taste of sweet apple pie. It will make you feel relaxed and content. This is a great choice if you have an evening meeting with friends you haven't seen in 100 years. The choice of music will be based on the search for harmony with yourself and the outside world.